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The Best Platform
for better You.

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Datamiv is a free to use platform for;

  1. Bloggers
  2. Course makers and Teachers
  3. Writers
  4. Journalists
  5. Students
  6. Developers
  7. Experts
  8. Business Owners
  9. Doctors
  10. and everyone

find what you want from our extensive options. We want you not to go in empty hands but anything you want even if its an alternative.

Create a free blog, course site, Video site, news site, business site, other sites


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  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Pages
  • No cost at all
  • No downtime
  • Powered by Google servers
  • Auto maintanance
  • Full admin access
  • No interference with the content as long as it follows our policy and Google policy.
  • Ad free (for no-profits only)
  • unlimited sites allowed
  • get a free subdomain
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